Friday, April 22, 2005

The Story of a Co-Pilot

It was almost daylight. I could see the sun starting to rise, and I knew that I still had a little while longer to wait. But I couldn't shut my eyes, and I certainly couldn't fall back asleep. I was so excited. I got out of bed, and quietly crept into the bathroom. I turned on the light and closed the door. I cracked open the joining door that led to the hallway, just enough to see if there was any activity yet. I smelled the coffee brewing, and I knew that it was only a matter of time before the bedroom door opened, and I would be woken up. I closed the door and turned off the light, and just sat on the floor waiting, hoping that the time would fly by, and that when I opened the door the sun would be up and so would he. After a few moments, I opened the door to the bedroom, and crawled back in my comfortable pallet, that he had made me. I loved him. I didn't get to see him as often as I had hoped because of the distance, but I was certain that when I did see him, my job was the same. As I laid there thinking about the days events, my mother came to the door to wake my sister and I up. "Ash, Poppy is ready to go." The words I had waited for all morning long! I sprung out of bed, and into the living room grabbing my coat and shoes. There he was waiting-for me. In one hand his car keys, and with the other he grabbed my hand. "Ready to go Co-Pilot?" Yes! Yes, I was I had been waiting to hear those words. I was so excited! Even though we were in an RX-7 rather than a plane, and we were driving to McDonalds to get hotcakes, and eggs for everyone instead of some exotic destination, he was still the pilot and I was still his co-pilot. I would give anything now to remember some of the precious conversation we had in the car.
I love you Poppy.
Love your Peanut, and Co-Pilot!